Submission 1

Yesterday our group met to discuss the format for submission 1 of the DMSP. With the deadline a little over a week away there was plenty to discuss. Having viewed the submission brief the general consensus was to create a submission that included many of the options highlighted which stays true to the digital media theme! Over the next week we plan to collate our resources and our work in progress as well as clarify our 'manifesto'. The submission will be a combination of these three areas hosted in a web format. Most likely word press as it will be easier than coding from scratch and this also allows to focus more on the content.

On a personal note I have been plugging away at the granular synthesis engine that will form a big part of the audio content of the project. Having mapped alot of control parameters to the logitech controller and having seen other people attempt to interact with it, I've realised that I will need to work hard on the usability of the system. Right now I'm modifying the engine and control parameter mappings to allow the 'user' to get the most out of each button press.

It has raised many questions about this type of interaction and also about tactile interfaces in general. I intend to beta test the new (and improved :P) program over the next week, as feedback from people who are unfamiliar with the system is invaluable. I will also start experimenting with different sound sources and hopefully create some taxonomies of output based on these input types.

Additionally I need to start developing the ambient part of the audio system which focuses on FM and wavetable synthesis methods. It should prove very interesting as a generative algorithm will have to be developed solely for this system. A busy week ahead!


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